Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Flash Games, Use Your Imagination!

Hi everyone!

I want to talk about something, a part of the gaming world I feel a lot of people grant too little attention: free flash games. Of course, these games will never meet the graphical and in some aspects the gameplay level of full-production, retail and/or downloadable games. I say in some aspects because a lot of flash games have fun and addicting gameplay, and you can find several flash games out there with plenty of originality, and maybe even some with gameplay ideas that are brand new and unique.

I just claimed that the only two aspects flash games will never reach are graphics and gameplay, and by gameplay, I mean stuff like heavily phsycis driven gameplay like that of the now-old Half-Life 2, a game where you can do almost anything with the stuff around you that you could in real life. I don't think flash games will ever be able to do that, at least not in the next decade or so. Who knows what might come in the future? Anyway.

Voice acting might be another aspect that the flash games can't match the full-production games, though there are some games out there with fine voice acting - but they are a rare breed. One aspect where flash games can compare to the games that cost tons of money to develop and often have staffs of hundreds working on them, is story. Plot. Simple as that.

A lot of flash games have great, witty, creative plots, and I think this is because when a person goes about creating a flash game, they really reach into their mind and try to find ideas that could be fun to work with - they don't have to worry about things like, "What kind of games do people play nowadays?" "Is this story too sensitive?" "What is the best plot to develop a shooter game around?" - no, they just dig deep into their creative center and some of them end up with amazingly smart plots and stories that can be anything from scary, funny or just simply a breath of fresh air. I love how some people think out there. The stories, characthers, worlds that people create almost everyday. Think about it - if you count in movies, comics, books, games: how many new, fantastic worlds do you think are created every single day?

Well, I want to finish this post by asking you out there, the reader, to try and think about a few things. What is your favourite flash game? What is your favourite fantasy world? Favourite fantasy species, race, creature, character, hero, villain? What is your favourite fantasy theme - good ol' Orcs versus Humans, Humans in a Civil-War, two Alliances of Races duking it out, what?

Try and think about these things. Use your brilliant minds, be creative, try and think of new concepts, new themes, new ideas that could be used for plot lines and so forth. And have a great day, and please do continue to enjoy our great hobby - go forth and game!

Hope you enjoyed this short article on flash gaming and the creative minds behind them!

My name is Mikkel, and this is my blogsite: http://game-reog.blogspot.com

I am a active blogger and gamer, and in my free time I'm writing and currently I'm trying to have my first novel published. I also write uplifting stories that are meant to raise the reader's spirit, and most of my stories celebrate life and have been written either inspired by my experiences or directly based on them. But a lot are also just simply inspired by feelings. Most are, in fact, inspired by one of my past experiences that I have then mixed with a lot of emotion and trying to feel what my characters are feeling.


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